
Showing posts with the label National Park

Sequoia National Park

 Sequoia National Park is called the "Land of the Giants". It is a park with a lots of very very tall Sequoia trees. They are the world's largest trees. Some of them fell over time.  There is a tree that fell around the 1920s and the park rangers made a big hole in the middle because it was blocking the road. It is so big that now people go through that tunnel with their cars. There is even the biggest tree in the world called the Sherman tree. Did you know that they are buses that go around the park. There are four parts of the national park that's why they are buses. There is a national park called Kings Canyon that is connected to Sequoia national park. Here are some pictures of Sequoia national park. See the picture where we drove our car under the fallen tree trunk.   

Canyonlands National Park

 Canyonlands National Park has a big canyon were we can drive. It even has the Colorado River,and it has an arch called Mesa Arch There are more arches forming they will be a arches in million years. Canyonlands National Park was made in 1964, that is about 57 years ago.It is also like a twin with Arches National Park because I went there to find out there is a another national park. Here are some pictures we took.

Arches National Park

Arches National Park has a lot of arches and the lowest elevation point is the v isitor center.  The v isitor c enter  is  4,085 feet above sea level and the highest  elevation is in  Elephant Butte which is  5,653 feet above sea level. Arches National Park was made in 1971 that was about 50 years ago. If you go there right now you will see arches forming. They even put boards to tell how they form. Here are some  pictures we took.

Death Valley National Park

 I am going to talk about Death Valley National Park.Death Valley is the hottest place in America. It even has a place named Bad Water Basin, the lowest place for sea level in the world. Death Valley's temperatures can be 134 degrees fahrenheit or 56.7 degrees celsius. Death Valley has a lot of mountains. I went to Death Valley 2 times, once when I was 2 and once when I was 6. Here is some of my pictures we took.